Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year Goals 2017

Well, here we are. It's 2017. We're two days in. Did you make any New Year's resolutions? I'm always setting new goals, looking to learn new things and setting myself new challenges.  I thought I would share these with you, and maybe you will either be inspired (hopefully!), or just find it interesting. Here goes:

- I plan to deal with my acromegaly diagnosis as well as I possibly can. It's not every day you are diagnosed with a serious health condition, but it's not like I can do anything to change it, so I'm going to try and not let it define the whole of my future. It's early days in my diagnosis, so more on that in a future post.

- Blog more. I've neglected this blog so much recently. When I get so much from it, it's a crazy idea to not pursue it and develop it further. So, watch this space for new developments.

- Continue to use and evolve my BUJO. What? I hear you say? BUllet JOurnal. I started to use a Bullet Journal (  in late summer of 2016 when I was looking for a new way to manage a heavy workload. Guess what? It's a paper-based system, but it really works. I use it to manage my daily work activities and it forces you to prioritise. Why not give it a go?

- Maintain my exercise regime.  I was third in my age group in the UK London Triathlon league 2016 which I was really pleased about. Full results are here: London League Age group results 2016 I was also the winner of the ladies duathlon award for my tri club - South London Harriers triathlon club.
A super-proud moment was to receive the Coach's Award for 2016. I was awarded it for coming back from my hideous crash in 2014 and managing to compete again. It was a great moment.  I plan to maintain and maybe even improve on this (health permitting!) in 2017. If you are interested in London League  find out about the 2017 race schedule here:

- Eat less sugar. I think I eat too much sugar. I plan to look at my diet and see if I can make some sensible changes.

- Maintain a sense of perspective. There's a lot going on this year. I have my exercise  and race goals, health issues that cannot be ignored, CC's exams and a full-time job. In all of this, I need to maintain a sense of perspective and not try and do everything. I might have metal in my bones, but I'm not quite a robot yet!

So, where are you with your 2017 goals? It's not too late to set some. Leave me a comment. :)